larry black
JoinedTopics Started by larry black
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst ini have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
Life Is On the Hairy Edge
by AlanF ingot a call late this afternoon: "your daughter was in a car accident along with four other girls.
you need to come to the emergency room.".
daughter not there yet.
To Farkel:
by sf insimon closed the thread which contained this post for you, from me.
i'm not, at this point expecting any reply.
i did, however, want to make sure you saw it:.
Farkel is a liar and a cheat!
by seven006 ini have absolutely had it with farkel's lies and (try new kiddy bathroom bubbles only $3.95 per bottle) his childish attempts to discredit those who still believe in god.
he is relentless in his (now the one pound tub of the famous amway laundry detergent only 19.95) efforts to shove atheism down our throats.
i personally am offended by (new amway energy bars in four tasty flavors, box of 12 only $6.95) his blatantly cynical attitude and slamming dialog.. i think his account should be (summers coming, try amway car wax and make your old car look new)!
Kind of Depressed, Looking for Someone to Talk to
by Reborn2002 insome of you on this board know me, or at least part of my story, very likely most of you do not.. i am a 21 yr old male from chicago who finally mustered the courage to da myself roughly 6 months ago.
being a 3rd-generation jw, my grandfather was an elder 45 years, so this developed a reputation and precedence for me that i would one day be a co.. or go to bethel.
such high expectations, which i am happy i never fulfilled.
Meeting Clothes
by Smoldering Wick indoes anyone want my old suits?
i only wear them to meetings, so i haven't used them for years. .
I need you tonight my friends,Please
by Valentine inthis danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
Spiderman and Friends
by cellomould infrom nature online: .
reality check foils spider-man.
philip ball.
by Valentine indear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.